
So who is this Chris Gorsuch? He is a man of mystery, a New Jersey expatriate who leads many lives, some of them a secret even to his closest friends. He is liberal in his politics and in the generosity he shows to others. He is the guy you want on your side in times of crisis, and he is the world's best party guest, able to engage anyone in conversation.

And yet we celebrate him here, not for these admirable qualities, but for his unique sense of style. Chris' wardrobe has been called "eclectic," "unusual," even "odd," but one can never accuse him of simply following the herd. Popular trends of fashion mean nothing to him. He is so far ahead of the curve that he can't even be considered a trendsetter. Instead, he stands on his own, requiring neither leader or follower, all the while teaching us much about life in the processes. Lessons like: "Never let your friends get their hands on your pink shorts" or "Never pose for a photograph with a raccoon hat".

Chris Gorsuch is a true original, and we like him that way.